Friday, July 8, 2011

I Eat Bugs

Today was insane!! In a good way!!! I went to the “Russian Market,” I ate frog, quail egg, beetle, and cricket, and I even chased after an elephant with a complete stranger down the street dodging cars and mottos. Talk about a DAY!!! I ate some of the most amazing food I’ve had. Incredible Greek and Incomparable Indian. I’m soooo tired!!

My time here in Cambodia is exciting, every second I look forward to what will happen next. Those of you who know me well, know that I seek adventure and I thrive off of trying new things. Today was definitely an adrenaline pumper for me!! I got to spend some time alone as well, walking around a bit and looking in some shops. I stopped by a Khmer coffee shop just expecting to get an iced coffee, but they sat me down on cushion seating, brought me iced tea to start me off, followed by the best iced latte of my entire life, all for $1.50….. WHAT? Starbucks officially went down 20 notches in my book!

Phnom Penh is truly an amazing city. It’s the capital of Cambodia, so it’s pretty happening. Tonight, I went to the night market, and boy is it busy!! Near the palace and independence building there are people that come out and dance and play music. The dancing is kinda corny, but its cool that they all know the same steps, and that random locals will just join in! No wonder they always seem to be so good at Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade!

I am so exhausted, and I need to get up early for a Khmer cooking class that I am taking, so I am logging off! If you have any questions about ANYthing.. email me! Can’t wait to hear from you!! Ps: don’t eat bugs… they’re literally the worst thing I have ever put in my mouth. Frogs ok though. J

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